Friday, November 6, 2009

Using Technology in PE Newsletter Update

Click on the link below to access the current newsletter

Assessing the Standards

This is the proposed model/template that we will use at our next vertical teaming meeting.

Step 1: Identify the standard noting the verb, type of verb, and skill, activity, or content.
Step 2: Choose the assessment tool or tools that best allow students to demonstrate their achievement relative to the standard.
Step 3: State the criteria for competence.
Step 4: Describe the levels of quality.
Step 5: Develop samples of student work that illustrate each level of quality.

Let me know if any of you have specific feedback or suggestions regarding the use of this model.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Shakopee Physical Education - To be recognized as a progressive, cutting edge program that utilizes best practices to achieve accepted standards.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Welcome Back!

Here is to an outstanding year in Physical Education and Health! Reminder that we are looking for people from each level to assist in the PEP Grant writing process. Let me know if you are interested.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Interesting Idea

Winter Physical Education Activities - Igloos and More

As I look out my window at three feet of snow on the ground, I realize that physical education teachers in cold climates have a unique challenge in getting students to participate in outdoor activities in the winter. Not all kids are interested in or have the monetary resources to participate in traditional winter sports like skiing or hockey. That's where Igloo Ed enters the picture.

This morning I watched a short video about Igloo Ed on The Adventure Channel. In the video embedded below Igloo Ed shows us and explains the benefits of an Igloo shelter compared to a tent. While watching Igloo Ed, I thought "that would be a fun way to get kids outside in the winter." After watching the video I set out to find directions for building an Igloo and other fun outdoor winter activities. Here is what I found:

1. NOVA, as a part of their program on Denali, has directions for building a snow cave and directions for building an Igloo.

2. Boys' Life offers a list of outdoor winter games as well as directions for building igloos and snow shelters.

3. In this video BBC Survival Expert Ray Mears teaches viewers how to make an igloo and what igloos were traditionally used for.

4. How Stuff Works provides information about building igloos and a good article about the Inuit people.

Applications for Education
Building an igloo could be not only a fun way to get kids outside in the winter, but also an opportunity to teach lessons about Inuit culture. You could also combine igloo building with a lesson about physics and engineering.

A word of caution about igloo and snow shelter building. Because of the danger associated with a collapsed snow shelter, make sure students are carefully supervised and don't allow them to play in the shelter without supervision. Once the temperature starts to warm, it is probably best to demolish the shelter to avoid the risks of a weakened shelter.

Friday, February 6, 2009

ND Legislation for Physical Activity in School

Interesting article out of North Dakota. Click on the title for direct link.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Using Technology in Physical Education
I subscribe to this letter and will provide the link as it is updated.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

PEP Grant

At the high school, we have had discussions with our administrators about applying for a PEP Grant next year. The preliminary discussion has been along the lines of a K-12 application with a focus on incorporating technology to improve fitness levels and reduce obesity. It would be a pretty big commitment and we would need representation from all levels to work on the grant proposal. Any thoughts from the JH - MS - Elementary levels?

What is new in your gym or classroom?

Because we don't see each other very often and I know that there are some exciting things going on in the district, I have created two avenues for us to collectively enhance our PE and Health classes. This blog is intended to share ideas and I also have created a wiki that will allow us to share files, edit things together and collectively create things without being in the same room. You can visit the wiki by clicking the link under Favorite Links - right hand column of the page.

I am interested in finding out how this technology can impact our teaching!